October 19, 2020

Building for Futures

Our multipurpose dining hall at the primary school is taking shape and it is magnificent! Many community members, students, and staff have been employed at the construction site, giving them an opportunity to earn a living to support their families. 

The building will be finished before the school year starts next year providing space for chapel, assemblies, dining, music, dance, drama, club meetings, community gatherings, an exam center and so much more. With the advent of COVID, it will also provide extra learning space for students to safely social distance. It is twice the size of any other space we have and will be completed at just the perfect time! 

Our Lead Administrator in Uganda, David, sent this inspiring note after the latest photos of the building were sent to us: "this community was devastated and abandoned, but has now become a 'come and see' place. John 1:46. I love to bring my friends to Kyakitanga for 'come and see' not of only the physical transformation, but of the faithfulness of Our GOD and of the team work, unity, and of the love and dedication of people who selflessly commit to excellence to the Glory of GOD." Amen, David!