April 26, 2021

What is it like to live where HEED serves?

What is Life Like in Kyakitanga?

HEED serves five villages in Kassanda District with about 6,200 people in a 15 square mile area. Our recent community survey helped us quantify the current status on key international indexes so that we can measure the progress we make impacting the community through our 5 Pathways to Transformation.
The average household has 7 people; 
83% of the households have children aged 6-12

47% of the houses are made from 
unburnt bricks, mud, and poles
80% of the people make less than $1000
 in a year; 29% make less than $250 in a year
89% of the people gather their water 
from open ponds often shared by animals  
44% of the people went at least one full day 
without food to eat in the last year 

42% of female heads of households
 cannot read or write 

Over 70% have had malaria or 
waterborne disease in the last month
Yes, God has called us to "the hard place." AND our five-year Strategic Plan has specific programs and goals designed to target each of the issues above. Join on us the journey of impacting these lives!

A "school" before HEED
HEED’s Impact in Kyakitanga

For the children who attend our schools, life has dramatically improved since HEED began. We rejoice that our recent survey documented that 87% of children aged 6-12 are now in school! That figure was near zero when we started our primary school in 2007. The photo at left shows one of the pitiful "schools" we discovered operating when visiting in 2006.

We also now have adequate water for the schools, a school nurse, and proper sanitary facilities to keep children healthy. A school chaplain tends their souls and vocational programs are equipping students with practical skills. As the table below shows, we have successful programs in place for each pathway for the children in our schools. We thank everyone who has equipped us to reach this significant milestone!
Now that the basic needs are met for the children at school, we are beginning to reach out to the community with programs to impact the biggest needs.

The chart below gives you a snapshot of ongoing HEED initiatives for the school children and the community.