August 20, 2021

Pathways to Transformation Update: Water

Water Security remains a challenge. Open ponds provide 89% of our community members with their water and most spend an hour or more per day collecting & carrying it back home.

HEED is committed to seeking solutions for water security

for the community so gathering water at ponds

becomes a thing of the past.

Harvested water is distributed at the primary school.

An expanded pumping and distribution system will be

implemented to carry water to the clinic and

teacher housing when funds allow.

Thankfully we have secured an adequate water supply for the schools and clinic from our small well and by harvesting rainwater from the roofs of our buildings. An expanded system of taps which would distribute water throughout our projects has been designed.

We are also pursuing a new technology for identifying and measuring underground aquafers in the hopes we can drill a high-yielding well for the community. Step 1, called Fracture Trace Analysis, has been done, and identified a potential water source on our land. Fabulous! We are now seeking government approval to import the technology for Step 2, called AquaSearch, which uses a sonar technique to determine the amount of water a borehole would yield before drilling. Approval would be a step toward making this better technology available widely in Uganda. Please pray with us for approval so Uganda can have a new tool in its struggle for water security for their people.