August 20, 2021

COVID-19 Update

Covid-19 and its variants continue to make life even more difficult in Uganda. In June, the country was placed under a 42-day lockdown that included closing schools and churches again. Some of the restrictions have now been relaxed, but it was announced that schools will remain closed until the majority of 12–18-year old’s have been vaccinated. Currently, Uganda has procured less than 2million doses of vaccine for its 43 million people. Please pray with us for vaccines for Uganda.

With 50% of the population being school aged, the fragile economy is strained to the breaking point when schools are closed. People are struggling more than ever financially, but it is the children who are often hardest hit. Uganda's youngest school children have gone more than 300 days without school, while distance learning is out of reach for most. Home internet connectivity “is the lowest on the planet [in Uganda] at about 0.3%,” reports James Elder, spokesperson for UNICEF. He also noted that Uganda has seen a “20 per cent spike in teen pregnancies, or pregnancies of 10-24-year-old girls.” It’s a crushing statistic.

To intervene, HEED is developing an outreach program to our students that will bring them to school in small groups to receive teaching, distance learning materials, a warm meal, and love and encouragement to stay strong until schools can reopen. Without children in class, we don’t have the typical income from school fees to pay our teachers. We are grateful for the many monthly donors who have equipped us to continue to pay our teachers partially during the closures. Thank you!

Doctors without Borders is lobbying for vaccines on behalf of the developing world. This link takes you to a page to add your voice to theirs.